The Book Industry Study Group (BISG) is a member organization that works to improve standards, research, and information for the publishing industry.

Committed to providing education and resources for its members, BISG conducts monthly lunch-and-learn events for members on key topics across its five core practice areas.

Starting in February, River Rock Advisor Partner Gary Jones will co-lead a sales, inventory, and operations planning (SIOP) educational series focusing on alleviating the impact of supply chain disruptions through better, more rigorous planning.

Joining Jones is Ken Brooks of Treadwell Media Group, who is also the chair of the BISG Supply Chain Committee and an RRA Affiliate.

The first presentation, titled Supply Chain Communication and Data Sharing: Demand Planning, focuses on demand planning, while subsequent sessions will focus on inventory planning, and supply planning. The series culminates at BISG’s Annual Meeting and a final overview of supply chain communication.

Those interested in the series or the BISG community can learn more at Leaders looking to take a new approach to demand planning and its impact on other areas of a supply chain will find additional insights in our exploration of collaborative demand planning here.